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Nativity Gloria Angel Wooden Doll Ornament

Nativity Gloria Angel Wooden Doll Ornament

Regular price $14.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $14.00 USD
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Handmade original Nativity Gloria Angel wooden doll ornament. Perfect for the Christmas Tree. Gift for a birthday or sacrament (Baptism, First Communion, Confirmation, Holy Orders, Marriage) celebration. Teacher, priest, grandparent gift.

And the angel said to them: Fear not; for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, that shall be to all the people: For, this day, is born to you a Saviour, who is Christ the Lord, in the city of David. And this shall be a sign unto you. You shall find the infant wrapped in swaddling clothes, and laid in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly army, praising God, and saying: Glory to God in the highest; and on earth peace to men of goodwill. (Luke 2: 10-14)

Pictured with wings and Gloria banner. Made of wood, felt, ribbon, and handmade accessories. Includes tag and card with description. Approximately 4" tall. Packaged in cellophane bag. Shipped in box with bubble wrap.

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